Amritendu Ghosal [He/Him] teaches English at Anugrah Memorial College, Gaya. He has done his doctoral research (P.hD.) on Allen Ginsberg at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and worked as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at Brown University, Providence, U.S.A. His poems have appeared in UCity Review, Mad Swirl, Visions, Shot Glass Journal, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Borderless Journal, The Sunflower Collective, among other places. His first collection of poems entitled Scribbles of a Dying Witness was published in April, 2023. When he is not working he loves interpreting films with his wife, taking long walks with his dog, and cooking.
Amritendu Ghosal [He/Him] teaches English at Anugrah Memorial College, Gaya. He has done his doctoral research (P.hD.) on Allen Ginsberg at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and worked as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at Brown University, Providence, U.S.A. His poems have appeared in UCity Review, Mad Swirl, Visions, Shot Glass Journal, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Borderless Journal, The Sunflower Collective, among other places. His first collection of poems entitled Scribbles of a Dying Witness was published in April, 2023. When he is not working he loves interpreting films with his wife, taking long walks with his dog, and cooking.